Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Book Reivew: The Ivy Chronicles

The Ivy Chronicles by Karen Quinn

Ivy Ames couldn’t have had a better life. She lives on the Upper East Side, drives a nice car, has a well-paying corporate job, lives in a beautiful apartment on the Upper East Side of New York and has a wonderful marriage. No quicker than about two chapters into this book does Ivy loose it all. 

After being laid off from her corporate job at Myoki, Ivy walks in on her husband with another woman in the middle of the day. No sooner do these events occur does Ivy begin to realize that her old life isn’t going to be possible. No more spending $50,000 on getting her hair cut and colored. Her kids are no longer going to be able to go to an elite private school that costs $25,000 per year for each girl. No more nice car, nice house, dog training, and full time nannies. And that is only half of it. 

After coming to terms that her life is falling apart and there isn't much she can do to stop it, Ivy moves to a much less elite neighborhood in New York. Kate and Skyler also have to begin attending public school, which causes many problems for both the girls and Ivy with their old "friends" on the Upper East Side. Tragic.

  When Ivy's friend Faith seeks Ivy's advice for getting her own daughter into private school, and is successful, a bright idea occurs to Faith about Ivy's future. After some hesitation Ivy begins a private school admissions counseling service. Her clients are willing to pay $10,000-$20,000 to get Ivy's advice on how to get their precious tots into the most elite and expensive private kindergarten programs in New York aka the Baby Ivy’s. 

Having enjoyed Schooled by Anisha Lakhani I thought for sure I would love The Ivy Chronicles. While being a page turner just because of the sole fact I wanted to know where these little brats got into school, there were several times I could have put the book down and walked away. If I could have, I would have slapped Ivy Ames in the face.

Her no good, rich attitude is the absolute worst. She doesn’t cope well with having to do without the things that she feels she deserves in life. Her ridiculous romances and immature behavior really got the best of me and made her one of the most miserable characters I’ve ever met. She is incredibly shallow, openly admits she’d never marry for love again, only money. She compromises her own values to get ahead in the word, money wise. 

The book was well edited and the writing wasn’t horrible. I did feel though that several parts of the book were “thrown in” just to keep the story moving (ie: alligator attack). Aside from these random plot lines, some of the characters were enjoyable and you really do end up hoping for the best for them. I read this book in about three days, and couldn’t be happier to have seen the last page. 


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Winner is...

The Chick Lit Book Club has chosen to read The Ivy Chronicles by Karen Quinn for the month of September! 

I hope everyone will come and read along with us! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Beautfiul and Damned

"It was as a concession to his hypochondriacal imagination that he formed the habit of reading in bed- it soothed him. He read until he was tired and often fell asleep with the lights still on."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned

Just began reading this brilliant classic over the weekend, and so far I am in love with it. I never thought I'd say that because I have never been one for reading "the dull classics". But this, this is wonderful. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. This weeks theme is: Romances That Would Last Outside The Book.

I couldn't quite come up with ten, in fact I came up with way less than ten, but nonetheless here is my list. Enjoy!

Note: The following does contain spoilers.
Rachel and Dex from Something Borrowed: When I originally read this book I thought to my sell, “How could she?!”, but I really think that Rachel and Dex were meant for each other. They both have such great and similar personalities there is no way this relationship would ever flop. 

Darcy and Ethan from Something Blue: I never saw this one coming. But honestly, could of it worked out any better? Ethan is one of my favorite men characters of all time, and I just love that Darcy shaped up her life when he was around. This relationship just makes me so giddy.

Christian and Ana from Fifty Shades of Grey: Okay, okay. I know! It’s probably overused, oversaid and just giving into the hype… but! I think they will totally make it! No matter how crazy Christian is, he just loves and adores Ana, and Ana loves that. She loves Christian and together their relationship just won’t fail. 

Cal and Tina from Hollywood Scandals: I just recently read and reviewed this one, but I love of the two of these characters and I can see that their relationship will be a perfect fit. Both a little different in their own ways, but come on, the ending? Perfect!!

 Which romances do you think would last outside of the book?


Friday, August 10, 2012

The Sunday Post (3rd Edition)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Weekly News:
This week on the blog I posted my book review of Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin. It was a fantastic read. I absolutely love Emily Giffin. I also posted two "just for fun" posts. The first one was Join the Club and featured some of my favorite groups/book clubs on Goodreads! If you're a Goodreads member I would suggest checking out the post and joining a couple of the groups. They are great fun and I love being part of a reading community. I also posted a just for fun post about Autumn! Autumn is one of my favorite times of year and I posted several cozy mystery books I am looking forward to reading around Halloween time :) 

New Books:
I don't think a week goes by where I don't download a new book for my Kindle! This week I downloaded Buried in the Past, A Cutthroat Business, Murder in Half Moon Bay, Strictly Murder, I Think I Love You, and Cake Icing Butt Budder and Tea Lids. Whew. I download lots of mysteries because I can usually pick them up for free. I also received in the mail The Wedding Diaries by Sam Binnie! I won it in a giveaway hosted by Avon Books UK! 

Currently Reading:
I am currently reading Gossip Girl: The Carlyles for a guest review on Teen Chick Lit. I haven't had much reading time this week, so I hope to get quite a bit accomplished over this coming week. 

This Week On the Blog:
I'm actually, not quite sure what I'm posting this week! Ah, I guess you'll have to come and check back to see :)

Free (and cheap) eBook Friday

Happy Friday! Here are a few titles for Free eBook Friday. The first one is 99 cents, but the others are all free. Sorry Nook users, I couldn't find any of these available on Barnes and Noble. 

99 cents!
Available On: Kindle
This one is available for a limited time, get it while you can! 

Available On: Kindle
Promises to be a humorous chick lit novel! 

Available On: Kindle
A fun, cozy mystery!

Available On: Kindle
A good cozy mystery with likable characters!

Have you found any good eBook deals lately? 

Happy Reading :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ah, Autumn!

I am well aware that it is only August 9th and that August is still considered summer (in most parts of the world). Fall is my favorite, absolute favorite, season of the year and I may or may not be doing a little wishful day dreaming about cool weather, clear skies, orange leaves, crisp afternoon walks, boots...*sigh*.

In South Carolina we don't get many of those luxuries of the autumn months, but I can settle down and read some wonderful cozy mysteries that will make me feel like I live in a very fall-like place.

Today I'm sharing with you guys some books that I have been saving for the cooler months and days where I can sit on my couch with a cup of hot chocolate and just read!

Scared Stiff
This is book number 2 in the Mattie Winston series. I haven't read book 1 yet, but from the reviews I have read it doesn't seem to make much difference. I'm saving this one for Halloween since the story is about trick-or-treater's who discover a model dead! Can't wait to read this one, I have heard such wonderful reviews about it.

Murder is Binding
This is the first book in the Booktown Mystery series. I picked this one up when I first got my Kindle last year and still have yet to read it. The book is about a woman who moves to New Hampshire and opens up a mystery bookstore. Tricia is having a great time with her stores, but when the cookbook bookstore owner is found dead everyone begins blaming Tricia.

Uncommon Grounds
This is the first book in the Maggy Thorsen cozy mystery series. All about lattes, small town politics and the wealthy city of Brookhills this one is sure to be a winner for the fall season! Goodreads has given this book excellent reviews and it's been named as one of the best cozy mystery series!

Academic Body
I picked this book up as a freebie on Amazon! The cover reminded me of the board game "Clue", and since it's one of my favorite games I decided that this could be a good read :) The book takes place in Maine, and I love anything that takes place in the New England area. As a retired theatrical director struggles with the idea of becoming a college professor while still trying to woo his wife away from the glitz and glamour of the NYC stage, he finds himself a murder suspect with a limited amount of time to prove himself innocent!

What books are you looking forward to reading soon?